Boon of Technology - Essay📱

Boon of Technology

Don’t we all use YouTube, Facebook, Blogger, WhatsApp etc. We all use them! Washing Machine, Smartphones, Tablets, Laptops etc. , are all examples of technology. Life is problematic without technology.

From a SD Card to an Aeroplane, technology is used. From Ancient period to modern period there have been many developments in technology. Ancient Times included technology of wells, drainage, huts and architecture etc. Modern Periods include Dams, Bore wells and latest technology like Washing Machines, Laptops, Smartphones and Social Media etc. Technology has helped us so much and has acted as an aide.


The Laptops we use, games we play, television on which we watch multiple things all are examples of technology. But that does not mean that we can only survive on technology. A recent news said that a Game named ‘Fortnite’ crossed the playtime of human existence meaning the total playtime has been more than humans have been on this earth. Humans existed since 6 million years and this game has total playtime of 10 million years put together. This means that people have wasted their life in playing a game and getting addicted to it. Thus, Addiction to technology of Games must be sidestepped. It is absolutely fine to use technology in Laptops, Washing Machines and technology of daily purpose. Don’t make Games as a daily habit.


If technology would have not been there, then students' study would have been halted for a year or so. We all need Laptops or Smartphones to study during lock down but if none was there, then it would have been impossible. Also avoid advantages of Laptops or Smartphones during classes, like playing games, watching YouTube or listening to songs instead of studying.


Thus, I conclude technology is a boon to us and use it for the right things!

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